Uno instructions
Uno instructions

uno instructions

“Slap out da gate bonus” If the “flipped card is slapped by any player other than the player whose turn it is, the hand is over. Failure to do so will result in one penalty card being drawn from the stockpile.ĩ). During play, all players must refer to all other players by their game name. Player names: Each player must pick their game name (other than their real name) before play begins. The dealer then flips the top card to begin play. Seven cards to each player dealt one at a time starting with the player to the dealer’s left with the fourth card being dealt face up. Dealing: The youngest player deals the first hand. If a one (1) is played, you must pass one card to an opponent of your choice.ħ). “Nullification” If a reverse is slapped, it nullifies the original reverse thus preserving the direction of play.Ħ). If a zero (0) is played, players must pass their hand in the direction of play.ĥ). Trade his/her hand with an opponent of choice.ī). If a seven (7) is slapped, the player who slapped has three choices:Ī).

uno instructions

If a seven (7) is played, the player must trade their hand with an opponent of his/her choice with only one exception…ģ). “Slap” If you have the exact same card that was last played, you may play it at any time, regardless of whose turn it is.Ģ). In addition to Jan’s description of Crazy UNO comes this “Official” version from a correspondent of hers:ġ).

Uno instructions